One African Nation
Hello Queens and Kings, I welcome you to a website thats main purpose is to unite and build the awarness of the great businesses going on in the World. We bring you nothing but positivity in recognizing those that are taking ownership of their lives and here you will be able to meet different business owners that you will be able to network with one another and most importantly support one another in your journies as entreprenuers.
Hello Queen and Kings my name is Evil Jesus, Aka King Tuntum. I am introducing myself as a Liborator of the people and I more than anything would only want nothing but the same spirit as a liborator for the people endowed upon your lifes. I believe in the awakening for our people and I want to be able to unify us as one like days of our ancestors of anicient Kemet. We are powerful and a great people and as you give me the chance and support me to get to a platform I will be able to carry out what it is I was put o earth to carry out. Below is a copy of my book called The Books Of The Ancestors Slaves and Kings and I would like all that can to support your brother Evil Jesus in getting this text across the world. This is the black Testament and tells about the life of Evil Jesus. As some of you know that are working with the growth of the One African Nation movement that we will collect a list of business owners of all sorts monthly and we will continue to keep you updated with the up coming events.